Tuesday, November 3, 2009

How To Get Back an Ex Girlfriend

Did your ex break up with you but you still want her back? Join the club. Thousands of people get dumped each day, and their only thoughts are of reconciliation. If you're still in love with a woman who ended things, and think your relationship can still work? You'll need to learn exactly what to do.  Step by step, you'll want to know how to get back an ex girlfriend.

Saving your relationship is easy in theory, but hard in practice. Many guys encounter the same stumbling blocks when it comes to winning back an exgirlfriend's love and affection. They try to hard, or they try too much. Sometimes they combine both, and with disastrous results: the end up pushing the woman they love further and further away, instead of drawing her closer.

Your First Moves Are Crucial

Once your ex has officially broken things off, the very first moves you make are probably the most critical. Do the wrong thing, and you could sabotage any chance of ever being with this girl again. Climbing back out of the hole you dig when you make these major mistakes can take so long that your ex moves on and starts dating someone else - leaving you heartbroken on every level.

One of the biggest blunders you can make after getting dumped? Chasing your ex girlfriend. In trying to get your ex to reconsider, you might end up scaring her off. You have to remember that your ex thought this decision through... and she's probably set upon it. Now is not the time to convince her that she's wrong. Later on, down the line, you can show her that she's wrong... but immediately after the break up there will be little you can do to turn your exgirlfriend's thought process around.

Walking Away From The Relationship With Acceptance

Most guys don't realize it, but your girlfriend is actually keeping a close eye on you after she dumps you. She wants to see two things: first, that you're not going to fight her on the break up, because this would make her feel awkward around you. But second, she DOES want to see that you miss her. Women (and men as well) like to be loved. Even if your ex thinks the relationship isn't worth continuing, she wants to still think that you were in love with her, and that she wasn't wasting her time.

One of the best methods how to get back an ex girlfriend involves NOT showing her that the break up has affected you. To do this, you need to completely accept it, acknowledge it, and then walk silently away from it. Instead of fighting to keep things going, you need to distance yourself and walk away as if you have better things to do. And while you might think this sends the message that you "don't care" about your girlfriend anymore, it's actually going to put you light-years ahead of the game when it comes to getting back together with your ex.

There is also a nice list of actions you can take to help accelerate the process of winning her back:

Things You Can Do To Get Your Girlfriend Back Fast.

The No Contact Method - Why It Works

In trying to get back an ex, you'll read an awful lot about the NC or No Contact approach. This is a tactic during which you forbid yourself from communicating with your ex AT ALL. In today's modern age, this is especially hard. You probably talk to your ex every day, email her, text-message her, and maybe even write on her Facebook wall. Stopping all of that at once can be a pretty big adjustment.

But you know what? It's a pretty big adjustment for her as well. Your ex isn't going to like not being able to hear from you in any capacity at all. Even though she ended things, she may want to remain friendly. This enables her to keep tabs on you, and know where you are just in case she wants you back. But knowing that you're still in love with her is one of the things that will prolong your breakup... so you cannot contact your ex if you really want to reconcile.

Contacting Your Ex Girlfriend - When Is It Okay To Call Her?

Getting back in touch with your ex is a critical part of the makeup process. It's also the most tricky. Doing it too early will undo all of the hard work you put in during the no contact phase. And making the wrong type of contact (desperate or needy contact) will set you back even further on the quest to get back your ex girlfriend.

There are opportunities you can seize advantage of that will help you and your exgirlfriend reconnect. Know what they are, so you can be aware of them when they come up. For some of the best tips and tricks on how to get back an ex girlfriend, make sure you check out this free audio clip.

Friday, October 30, 2009

My Ex Has a New Girlfriend - What Should I Do?

Hearing that your ex is now dating someone else can be pretty tough.  The feelings of rejection are bad enough, but you might also be feeling hopelessness and despair that you can never get your ex back again.  Maybe you were working your way back into his life again... or maybe you were just hoping he'd come to his senses and reverse your break up.  Either way, when your ex has a new girlfriend it always stings.

The first thing you need to realize after your ex begins dating again is that it's probably not forever.  If your exboyfriend is on the rebound, odds are good he'll be single again in no time.  Not only do most rebound relationships fail within the first two months, but they often end up hurting pretty bad.  Your ex is going to pour a lot of effort into his new romance very quickly, to try and make up for the feelings he still has for you.

Does Your Ex Boyfriend Still Have Feelings For You?

Before you go shouting from the rooftops "my ex has a new girlfriend!", consider how he hooked up with this new love interest.  If it was fairly quick, and happened within a stone's throw of your own breakup, chances are that he's on the rebound.  Your boyfriend pushed aside his feelings for you and moved on... but he didn't really move on, because he never had the chance to fully get over you.  This is actually good, because later on when his new girlfriend is history?  Those feelings will come flooding out all at once.

How To Get Your Boyfriend Back From Another Girl

There are two ways of getting your ex back when he's dating someone else.  The first is to wait out the initial, honeymoon stages of his rebound relationship - the time period where his ex can do no wrong.  There's no use talking to your boyfriend or trying to dissuade him from going out with her... nothing you do is going to work.  Instead, lay low and take the high ground.  By not reducing yourself to the level of confrontation and jealousy, your ex will still have respect for you later on when you try to get him back.  Eventually his rebound will fail, and as someone safe and familiar, you'll be in perfect position to "be there for him".

The second method for getting your ex back when he's dating a new girlfriend is a little trickier, and requires some more time.  You can use it when your ex's new romance hasn't shown signs of trouble.  It also involves reconnecting with your boyfriend, but in a secret, trusting way.

For a full explanation, check out:
Getting Your Ex Boyfriend Back When He's Dating Someone Else.

Winning your man back while he's still involved in a relationship requires you to remain cool and keep his interests protected, at least until you can get back in his head again.  Jealousy and bitterness are going to drive your exboyfriend away very quickly, so be sure to tuck those emotions away.

My Ex Has a New Girlfriend - Should I Still Talk To Him?

Talking to your ex while he's dating someone else is dangerous.  Although some measure of contact is needed in order to get back together, you should wait until his new romance show signs of cracking.  There are various ways of knowing this, but you'll also have to figure it out in a subtle way.  You can't outright ask your ex about his new relationship because he'll know you have ulterior motives.

Monday, October 26, 2009

What Does It Mean When Your Ex Calls You?

You break up... you go your separate ways... and then suddenly your phone rings.  Your ex's old familiar number appears, and your heart skips a beat.  What does it mean?  Exactly why is your ex calling you?

Well if you've been intentionally trying to get your ex boyfriend or girlfriend back, this type of phone call is always good news.  It means your ex has been thinking about you enough to dial your number, so whatever you've done to put yourself back in their head again has been working.  Some people don't always know how to grab the attention of an exgirlfriend or exboyfriend after the end of a romance, especially if they were the ones who got dumped.  But when your ex is finally calling you up, you might not even know exactly what it is you did to make them think of you again.

So what does it mean when your ex calls you?  Does he or she want you back?  Or are they just calling to say hello, and see how you're doing?  There are several ways to identify Signs Your Ex Wants You Back.

There's No Such Thing as a "Friendly" Phone Call From Your Ex

Contrary to popular believe, your ex's don't just stay in touch with you.  If you think some sort of casual relationship can exist between you and someone you've dated or slept with, think again.  All sorts of complications arise from being "friends with your ex", and even two people with the best intentions won't be able to carry on such an arrangement for very long.  If you and your ex are trying to be friends, that means you should probably be dating.  One of you definitely still loves the other, and the person who's loved still has enough emotional attachment that they don't want to walk away.

So... if your ex isn't calling just to say hi, what do they want?  Are they trying to patch up your relationship, or do they have some other agenda in mind?

Why Your Ex Calls You After The Break Up

Most of the time when an exboyfriend or girlfriend gets in touch with you, they're feeling you out.  They'll be trying to gauge your reaction when you talk to them, and they want to know your situation.  Although they might not outright ask about your dating status, this is probably the main reason why they called.

It's also possible that something has changed in your ex's life that put you back into their head.  Maybe they were dating someone and it didn't work out.  Or maybe they were thinking about some good memories you had together and suddenly felt the need to call you up.  Either way, you're on your ex's mind in a positive way.  If you want to get back together with your ex boyfriend or girlfriend, you can take advantage of this attention and work on arranging a face-to-face meeting.

Getting Back Together With Your Ex Boyfriend or Girlfriend

Breakups get reversed every single day.  In trying to fix a broken relationship, getting a phone call from your ex is always a good news.

But what if you're having trouble reconnecting?  What if your ex hasn't called you and it's been several weeks since the break up?

Getting your ex back is something you need to plan out - it rarely happens on it's own.  There are 8 Individual Steps that will help you Get Back Your Ex Boyfriend
or in the opposite case, Get Back Your Ex Girlfriend.

Learn what they are, and see what your opening moves should be!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

4 Huge Signs Your Ex Wants You Back

When you're trying to fix a broken relationship, you can often feel like your efforts are one-sided.  As you struggle to do the right things to get back your ex boyfriend or girlfriend, the payout doesn't come until the end... when your ex is back in your arms.  Still, there are indicators that you can look for when your ex is starting to get interested in you again.  If he or she still loves you and has lingering emotional attachments to the relationship you once had, there will be definite signs your ex wants you back.

The signals your ex gives off showing that they still love you can range from subtle to very overt.  During the course of your break up, you'll be doing things that will make your ex want you again - and this will eventually have results.  Below is a list of top behaviors that will always indicate that your ex is once again thinking of dating you.

Your Ex Stays In Touch With You Beyond The Break Up

When a girlfriend or boyfriend dumps you for good, they'll walk away for good.  It's a simple but solid rule.  Many people buy into the illusion that your ex will still "want to be friends" with you after the break up, calling and texting and emailing you just to say what's up.  But if someone is truly finished dating you?  This is never the case.   Which is why whenever your ex keeps contact after he or she breaks up with you, it's a sure sign they're not finished with the relationship just yet.

Your Ex Is Jealous of Other People Around You

As your post-break up life goes on, you might go out with friends, family, and even other people you meet.  If you've got a jealous exgirlfriend or exboyfriend, it's a huge sign your ex wants you back.  No ex who's finished with you romantically will care whether or not you start seeing someone else, which is why jealousy is tipping their hand.  Look for it, and if you want your ex back?  You can even use it as a tool.

Read up on

Making Your Ex Girlfriend Jealous


Making Your Boyfriend Jealous To Get Him Back.

Your Ex Shows Up To See You Without Calling

The unexpected pop-in from your ex girlfriend or ex boyfriend is a sure sign they're missing you a lot.  Either they felt the need to come and see you face-to-face (which is good, because they miss you more than just a simple phone call) or they're stopping by to "check up" on what you're doing (see jealousy, above).  Either way, it's a red flag that they're not completely finished with the idea of having you as a potential mate.  Whatever you've been doing to make your ex want you back... it's working.

Your Ex Calls You While Drunk

This one's tricky, but kind of telling.  When your ex girlfriend or boyfriend has been drinking, their inhibitions are down.  This is often when their true feelings manifest themselves, and they'll do things like call you up.  Emotions and feelings that are suppressed while sober can more easily emerge.  Don't take everything your drunk ex says on the phone too seriously - after all, they're drunk - but if they're thinking about you while inebriated, it's a safe bet they're also thinking about you while sober.

Looking for signs that your ex wants you back is all well and good, but in order to really make them want you you'll first need a plan.  Only by adapting a step-by-step, methodical approach to winning back your ex can you be sure to maximize the chances of getting back together again.

To read up on the best tips and tricks for making your ex want you once again, check out: Opening Moves For Getting Your Ex Back.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Biggest Mistakes Made When Trying To Get Your Ex Back

Sometimes it's not what you do... it's what you keep yourself from doing.  In the case of repairing a broken relationship, this is especially true.

After your boyfriend or girlfriend breaks up with you, odds are good that you'll at least make an effort toward getting them back.  And when you do, odds are even better than you'll make some of the bigger, rookie mistakes.

Still, stopping and reversing your break up requires that you do something.  You need to be proactive when it comes to winning someone back.  So what do you do if you want to date your ex again?  And the even more crucial question: what should you avoid doing?  The biggest blunders when it comes to winning back someone's heart are listed below:

1. Contacting Your Ex Right After The Break Up

This is always the wrong thing to do.  I don't care if you have something important to tell them, something you forgot to explain, or you just want to know when you can come pick up your stuff... let sleeping dogs lie, and leave your ex alone for the next few days and weeks.  Nothing you can say right now will change your ex's mind, and your "stuff" isn't going anywhere.

2. Writing or Sending Cards and Notes to Your Ex

There's nothing worse than going through the heartbreaking process of breaking up with someone... and then having a 19-page letter stuck beneath your wiper blade the next morning.  Whether you're a guy or a girl, the person who dumped you simply does not want it.

Actually, there's nothing wrong with putting your thoughts and feelings down on paper.  Doing so will let you get a lot of things out of your system.  But sending that letter off to your ex boyfriend or girlfriend is a big mistake.  It's going to come back and haunt you later on, when you're making a real effort to get them back.

3. Making Promises You Can't Keep

The words leave your lips quickly and easily: "But I promise I can change".  You shouldn't be making this promise to anyone.  Changing the person who you are so you can make a relationship work is not only wrong, but it's unhealthy.  It's also going to lead to another break up very quickly, even if your ex does take you back.

4. Making Ultimatums or Giving Your Ex Deadlines

"If you don't get back together with my by Friday... then it's OVER!"  These words should never leave your mouth.  Your ex broke up with you - you're in no position to be handing out deadlines or threatening your exboyfriend or exgirlfriend.  You'll only look bad, and even worse, appear extremely desperate.

5.  Stalking Your Ex or Driving Past His or Her Work/Home/School

Nobody likes a stalker.  Display this type of behavior and you're definitely going to be labeled as one.  While you might think it's innocent to swing by and check up on your ex, what you're really going to do is scare the crap out of them.  There's no reason you should be following or spying on your ex boyfriend or girlfriend after they break up with you.  Not if you one day want to date them again.

These are just some of the biggest mistakes made when trying to get your ex back.  Instead of concentrating your efforts on this destructive type of behavior, why not work on something positive?

There are lots of things you can do to make your ex want you again, located at the links below:

Make Your Ex Boyfriend Want You Back

Five Things That Will Make Your Girlfriend Want You Again

So stay positive, stay strong, and GOOD LUCK!!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

How To Make Your Ex Girlfriend Want You Back

All break ups are different, but every reconciliation ends the same: the person who did the dumping suddenly wants the other person back.  Whatever it takes to get to that point, the end result is identical: your ex girlfriend isn't going to date you until you make her miss and need you again.

Getting to this point is the hard part.  It involves a series of steps that you start taking the moment she breaks up with you.  On the road to getting back together with your ex, there are many missteps too.  There are places you can walk off the path and make some very big mistakes.  Some of these errors can delay getting your girlfriend back, while the bigger blunders can actually wreck your chances for any type of reunion.

In learning how to make your ex girlfriend want you back, you need to be proactive.  You can't sit back and hope that everything falls back into place.  But at the same time, you can't be reckless.  Taking action just for the sake of "doing something" can lead to driving your exgirlfriend in the opposite direction or scaring her off for good.

What You Need To Do Immediately After The Break Up

One of the most important things you have to realize after your girlfriend dumps you, is that your relationship is now over.  Don't try to hang onto it, breathe life back into it, or think you can change your ex's mind.  Let her decision be final, and don't fight her on it.  If you can do that, you're already exhibiting some very serious self-control.  Better yet, you're sending your ex the message that you're totally fine with walking away... and this is NOT how she expects you to react.

On the outside, your girlfriend will act proud of you for not begging or pleading to keep the relationship going.  On the inside, she's going to feel rejected.  We all have the need to be desired - your exgirlfriend included.  By walking away as if the breakup doesn't bother you, you're bruising her ego.  You're also shaking her out of her comfort zone by making her question her own decision to end things.

Staying Out Of Your Ex's Way For a While

Why aren't you chasing after her?  How come you just accepted things without even trying to fight to get her back?  These are the things that will bother your ex girlfriend in the coming days and weeks. They'll weigh heavily on her mind, because now you're going to do the next best thing:  drop all contact with your ex.

One of the best ways how to make your ex girlfriend want you back is to completely ignore her.

By NOT concerning yourself with what she's doing, you're helping get your mind off your ex.  By not calling, emailing, or text-messaging her, you're also making her intensely curious.  Your ex girlfriend will develop a need to know why you don't seem interested in her anymore.  She'll wonder if you replaced her with someone else.  She'll even think that maybe you never loved her in the first place, which will get her thinking about you - and your past relationship - even more.  All of these things are good news for you, because by putting yourself back in your exgirlfriend's head again, you're moving onto the next stage of getting her back:

Making Your Ex Miss and Need You Again

One of the biggest and most important steps in the reconciliation process is recapturing your ex girlfriend's need to have you in her life.  If you've been strong enough to give her time to herself and room to breathe?  She's probably had a good long look at what things will be like without you.

There are also ways you can accelerate getting back together with your ex.  You do this by learning the Things That Will Make Your Ex Girlfriend Want You.

When it comes to putting a broken relationship back together, things take time.  You need to have patience, and an open mind.  Positivity also goes a very long way toward getting someone to fall back in love with you.  By ridding yourself of any hopeless or desperate feelings, you're actually taking giant steps toward being together again.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How To Know How Your Ex Feels About You

While attempting to get back an ex girlfriend or ex boyfriend, one of the biggest fears most people have is: "Does my ex want me back?"  Knowing the answer to this question could mean the difference between giving up or pushing onward, especially if you've been trying to win your ex back for a while now.

Getting back together with someone takes patience.  It's not going to happen overnight.  Despite everything you see in the movies, people don't automatically miss each other and go rushing into each other's arms.  Did your boyfriend dump you?  Find out why.  You need to make him miss you if you want to date him again.  Does your girlfriend just "want to be friends?"  Identify the reasons behind such a decision.  Then, make sure you refuse to be placed into a role of friendship when what you really want is to be dating her again.

Knowing how your ex feels about you, it's not always easy.  They may be guarding their true emotions, especially if you had a very complicated or painful break up.  Some people choose to bury their feelings rather than deal with them, but this is only a temporary solution.  Given time and space, your ex's emotions will eventually rise to the surface.  He or she will need to evaluate them then.  And if you've made all the right moves during the time you've been apart?  There's a good chance your ex will want you back again.  It's all a matter of how proactive you were during the break up.

If you're a guy, your work is cut out for you.  Before doing anything that could hurt your chances, make sure you learn everything there is to know about how to Get Back Your Ex Girlfriend.

And if you're a girl?  You'll need to be even more careful about what you do (and don't do) to win your boyfriend's heart again.  Be sure to check out Get Back Your Ex Boyfriend.